A new report in May has highlighted the growing threat of
drug-resistant "superbugs". The projections of the Review on
Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) - prepared for the British government by
economist Jim O'Neill - are disturbing: antibiotic-resistant bacteria already
kill nearly a million people each year.
Worse, by 2050, this may rise to 10 million, potentially
costing the world US$100 trillion (S$136 trillion) in lost productivity.
Society must focus on prevention and become much more
prudent with the use of existing antibiotics in order to slow the emergence of
drug-resistant bacteria. In South-east Asia, this means reducing usage by
consumers, as well as by farmers who use antibiotics in agriculture. Prevention
requires better sanitation and hygiene.
Across the region, access to sanitation remains problematic.
The World Health Organisation estimates some 935 million people in South Asia
and 176 million in South-east Asia lack sanitation. These areas will feel the
impact of drug-resistant bacteria more acutely as infections become
increasingly difficult to treat.
In South-east Asia, tuberculosis, gonorrhoea, cholera and
pneumonia, among others, have already shown resistance to current drug
treatments. The result is prolonged periods of sickness, more expensive
treatments and greater risks to communities.
Governments must prioritise the
provision of water and sanitation systems to counter the spread of disease. In
addition, the immediate and cost-effective way to reduce risk is handwashing
with soap.
Handwashing does not solve the problem of drug-resistant
bacteria. But it does slow the emergence of new resistance and saves people
from getting sick with potentially untreatable illnesses. According to Unicef,
the United Nations' children's agency, handwashing with soap after defecation
and before handling food can reduce diarrhoea by up to 59 per cent, and
respiratory illness by one quarter.
Handwashing can help eliminate millions of courses of
antibiotics that are currently ineffectively and often inappropriately
prescribed. Proper hygiene behaviour also helps prevent the spread of
contagious diseases such as Sars, H5N1 influenza and Ebola, long considered
impending threats among dense populations.
However, handwashing with soap is more commonly said than it
is done. Notoriously difficult to monitor, rates of handwashing with soap vary
dramatically, though rarely surpass 40 per cent to 50 per cent at key times and
can be much lower, according to international studies. Even among medical
professionals, there is an overall median compliance rate of only 40 per cent,
according to the AMR global report.
Knowledge and practice are not equivalent. Establishing
regular hygiene behaviour requires water, soap and a convenient basin together
at the proper time and place - an "enabling environment".
For those living in affluent cities, this challenge may not
be obvious. Yet, piped water and modern sinks are expensive and often
unavailable in rural areas. Traditional water storage methods create awkward
logistics for handwashing.
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World Design Impact
Prize 2015-2016 Finalists
In response, a small company in Vietnam has launched an
innovative and attractive low-cost consumer product that promotes behaviour
change, born from the Global Scaling Up of Handwashing campaign, a project
under the water and sanitation programme that is part of the World Bank Group's
Water Global Practice.
Our think-tank, the Global Institute For Tomorrow (Gift),
supported this process. Currently wholly-owned by the WaterSHED
non-governmental organisation, the social-business is now seeking to scale up
production and distribution throughout the region.
Designed through a human-centred design process, it was a
finalist for the World Design Impact Prize, which encourages industrial design
driven projects that benefit society. Imagine a "portable sink"
complete with soap tray, wastewater pipe and modern design, placed in the
kitchen or outside the latrine, with optional mirror, dental kit and make-up -
an aspirational, modern lifestyle product, yet still affordable at about US$12.
This contrasts with products in other regions that retail
for US$200 or public hand sanitiser devices which require regular servicing.
The number of rural residents in Asean who could stand to
benefit from a low-cost product that changes handwashing behaviour could amount
to well over half of the region's 625 million population.
Countries with the greatest need for such a handwashing
device, based on the percentage of the population with what is termed
"improved sanitation", according to World Bank figures, are:
Cambodia, 42 per cent (which means 58 per cent do not have access); Indonesia,
61 per cent; Laos, 71 per cent; the Philippines, 74 per cent; Vietnam, 78 per
cent; and Myanmar, 80 per cent.
However, even where there is improved sanitation, there may
not be running water, and in many rural areas there is no piped water into the
household, so it is inconvenient to wash one's hands with soap.
Handwashing is the most important preventative measure that
can be implemented today. Other more costly and time-consuming investments in
infrastructure and new pharmaceutical cures are also necessary. Singapore and
other centres of innovation should incentivise the development of new drugs.
Concurrently, Asean should set targets to reduce overall antibiotics usage. Doctors, meanwhile, must be more conservative with
prescriptions and also seek to facilitate handwashing behaviour among patients. Everyone will have a role to play in this critical race
against drug resistance - and it starts with prevention.
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